Indoor Soccer Clinic (Ages 4-8)
Developmental Indoor Soccer is a fun way for kids ages 4-8 to learn the fundamentals of the game. Sessions will be Saturday mornings at the Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA gymnasium. Each session will have instruction on the fundamentals, scrimmage time, and participants will discuss a core value each week. All players will receive a t-shirt for participating.
· SEASON: SATURDAY MORNINGS – March 11 – April 22 *no session March 25 (AAU State Volleyball)*
· TIME: 9-10 am – 4-5 year olds / 10-11 am – 6-8 year olds
· LOCATION: Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA Horne-Henry Center Gym
· COST: $30 Y Members / $60 Program Participants
Register here
· For questions contact Brandon Haagsma: 641-752-8658 or [email protected]